
October 31, 2008

Happy Birthday LogBlogs!!!

Something great happened on Oct-17 last year.I dont rememeber what it was!!

I also started blogging on that auspicious day.Yes, I did.Its been an year since I embarked on this journey into blogosphere!! Makes me feel that I'm too old :-D

The journey has been interesting, literally from India to South Africa to Iran and now to Romania.Topics varying from movie reveiws to travelogue of sorts to current affairs and to random crap.

I couldn't make many people read this crap though I tried out many kinds of topics.:-) Never mind, I did not step out and start this blogging activity to get high hits and inspire people and create a revolution!!

Enough of cynicism.Let me try to make some sense now! I thought I'll start blogging bits and pieces of events going around me rather than penning(keying) my thoughts on one particular topic as I'm finding it increasingly difficult to keep myself awake during the bloggathon. :-)

Will present a trailor right away.Once again, Happy birthday LogBlogs, belated wishes though!!

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